Please share your personal interpretation of what "local" means to you. Consider any aspect of your environment and experiences that contribute to your sense of being connected to a place. This might include, but is not limited to, your interactions with the physical environment, sensory impressions, cultural practices, personal moments, or social relationships within your locale.

Feel free to explore any dimension of localness that resonates with you, without any need to follow a particular order or cover specific topics. We're interested in understanding your unique perspective and experiences that define your relationship with your surroundings.

Your response will help us appreciate the diverse ways individuals perceive and engage with their local environments. There are no right or wrong answers, only your personal insights.

1 - Not local 2 - Somewhat not local 3 - Neural 4 - Somewhat Local 5 - Local
1 - Minimal 2 - Basic 3 - Competent 4 - Proficient 5 - Full fluency